Sunday, January 20, 2013

OS91 speaks at Ayers' Winter Conference - "Breaking The Chains"

AYERS' Winter Conference 
"Breaking The Chains"
OS91 was privileged to be chosen to speak at Amway Central Florida Diamonds, Gary and Nancy Ayers,' Winter Conference Worship Service this morning, held at The Rosen Shingle Creek Resort in Orlando, Florida.  

Ed praying for Gary and Nancy after the Service
Gary and Nancy are one outstanding couple who have devoted decades of their lives to helping people excel in life and in business. They are people of outstanding integrity who lead a wonderful group here in the Central Florida area.  

Mary and Ed sharing OS91 with the Ayers' Team
Ed and Mary spoke about Psalm 91, God's Covenant of Protection, and how Operation Safety 91 was birthed; how COL Danny McKnight U.S. Army (Ret.) of "Black Hawk Down" renown became our National Spokesperson, about the upcoming 5th Annual Tribute to Honor America's 1st Responders and that, to date, over 400,000 Psalm 91 cards have been made and shipped free of charge to Responders all over the U.S., Afghanistan, Iraq, Kuwait, etc., thanks to donations given by people who appreciate Responders and realize the risk they assume to protect, defend and rescue us.

Worship Leader, Rob, son-in-law of Gary and Nancy 
with their daughter, Kara, his wife
Anointed worship was led by Rob, Gary and Nancy's son-in-law with his precious wife, Kara. The service was grace filled; surely everyone there was touched by God, not only during Worship, but also by Gary's very practical Word-based message, and the amazing Altar Call.

Nancy, Rob, and Kara, you have a special place in our hearts!

Gary and his sweetheart granddaughter

Free Psalm 91 books for all

Semper Fi! A Marine picks up a Psalm 91 book 
at one of the give-away tables

This couple took a pack of Ps 91 cards for his brother going into the Military

Gary and Nancy, Ed and I appreciate you so much. We honor you, respect you and love you. You have impacted our lives for time and eternity, ad we are forever grateful to you. Thank you for the honor of speaking to your Orlando Team today. 

Ayers Team, thank you for the warmth and appreciation with which you welcomed us as speakers this morning and your overwhelming generosity to Operation Safety 91. Your love gifts will impact more lives than you can imagine! We hope you will follow us on our Facebook, Blog and Twitter so that you can see and read about how your donations are making a difference!

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