Friday, January 20, 2012

OS91 at 2012 Fire Rescue East Convention

Ed Ganster of OS91 with Jonathan Lamm,
LT of the Honor Guard and Team Commander, Clay County

OPERATION SAFETY 91 is currently attending one of our very favorite Conventions of the year, Fire Rescue East being held at Daytona Beach, FL January 20 - 21, 2012. Our very own Winter Garden Fire Chief John Williamson, the President of the Florida Fire Chiefs Association  paved the way for our attendance and we certainly are among friends! We love our Firefighters, and they are so appreciative of our efforts! We had wonderful moments today when Firefighters came up to our booth and told us what they did with the Psalm 91 cards and books after they received them last year. And, of course, we made many more new friends today. 

Gay and Sue Reynolds, Presidents of the 
Fellowship of Christian Firefighters International
with Psalm 91 cards and books
Plus we have had a great reunion with our dear partners and friends, the President of the Fellowship of Christian Firefighters International (FCFI), Gay and his dear wife, Sue Reynolds. This couple has been a major partner with Operation Safety 91 during the past 3 1/2 years, distributing the Psalm 91 books and now the Psalm 91 cards, all throughout FCFI.

Back for more Psalm 91 books this year!
A few Firefighters came back this year for "seconds" so to speak. This wonderful Firefighter pictured above, picked up a Psalm 91 book for herself last year and ended up sending it to a soldier in Afghanistan. This year, she came back to restock!

One more day to go; looking forward to a great day tomorrow!

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