Testimonies from Organizations

Al Castro
Al Castro, President of New York Regional Police and Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 636 and State Trustee for the NY State Fraternal Order of Police Headquarters has partnered with Operation Safety 91 to reach out to Responders all over New York with the Psalm 91 message and Psalm 91 resources for Chaplains and Pastors to distribute. Al's Ministry has expanded rapidly and he is a respected speaker all over the State. To request Al to speak at your group or Church call him at 914-227-6598 or email him at nycregionalpolice@msn.com

I..."never had a conversed with anybody whose passion and respect for the job the men and women of law enforcement do ...I can't tell both of you what an honor it was to talk to you." Al  to OS91 Founders

Al Castro with Nicky Cruz
Al Castro distributed Psalm 91 resources at the Nicky Cruz Crusade at Maria Hernandez Park from September 2 - 4, 2009

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                 Gay Reynolds, President of FCFI and his wife, Sue                      
The Fellowship of Christian Firefighters International is an International Ministry with chapters and members dedicated to reaching firefighters in your local area. Support for this ministry enables members to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with many firefighters. Sue and Gay have partnered with Operation Safety 91 to reach out to firefighters across America especially at FCFI Conventions with the Psalm 91 message and free resources.

"The partnership between the Fellowship of Christian Firefighters International and OPERATION SAFETY 91 has been invaluable in getting Ps 91 into the hands of our members. We hope that countless Christian 1st Responder Organizations will hook up with OPERATION SAFETY 91, to provide the ultimate Divine Protection to all of us who protect and defend you." 
Gaius (Gay) Reynolds - President of FCFI

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Annette Douglass, FCFI (far right)
Coming from a family of brothers (NYPD) and other members (FDNY) I have a deep respect and admiration for first responders including our military. My heart was so broken after 9/11. Wanted to help but did not know how! The Lord intervened and called me to go out and reach others.  The ministry was handed down to me via Kathy Gassner who went to practically every firehouse with "baskets of love" after 9/11. I took off where she began-- delivering personal hand crafted olive wood crosses sculptured by Dean Richards of Amarillio Texas. Each cross had a fallen heroes name and a scripture on it. This was created for the 343 FDNY that sacrificed their lives for us on 9/11.

I am honored to connect with Suzanne Hagelin and  the FDNY prayer support team,   http://www.fdnyprayer.org/  and be a member of the Fellowship of Christian Firefighters International   http://fellowshipofchristianfirefighters.com/  It was through Sue Reynolds of FCFI that we were connected with Mary Ganster of Operation Safety 91. It is total blessing to receive these wonderful Psalm 91 resources free of charge with free shipping, and deliver them to the FDNY, NYPD and military.

This past year my husband struggled with lung and brain cancer and lost the battle. These materials encouraged me so much. I gave them out whenever I would meet a first responder. Many times outside of the hospital domain. Maryof OS91 has personally encouraged me countless times.  My vision is to share the love of Jesus Christ, to encourage those in their fire service, to care for them and their families, meeting spiritual growth as well as physical.

1 Cor. 3:6  " We have planted--but God gives the increase!" 
Annette Douglass
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Scott Pruiksma, Founder and President of Interlocking Arms
Firefighter and member of FCFI
"The Psalm 91 Resourses have been a blessing and an avenue to further the Kingdom in a non-threatening way. I have been Blessed throughout the year to be able to attend many events throughout the New Jersey and at the Nation's Capitol. Some highlights were an all day Prayer event on the Whitehouse lawn (The Ellipse). A great day of fellowship and prayer for the Nation and its leaders. As a First Responder, I was able to pray Psalm 91 God's Shield of Protection for the Nation, for First Responders and for the Military. What an honor !!!! Afterwards I gave out all the Psalm 91 resources that I had brought with me. This years event will be on May 22 and I will be sure to bring more of the Psalm 91 Resources with me. Another event that I was honored to attend was at the United Nations at a Universal Peace Conference. I was acknowledged to speak and spoke on how we as Faith Leaders all need to work with each other and how everyone has something to contribute. As a firefighter I realize the importance of working together as a team, for the benefit of others. At this event there were many contacts made from all over the world and more of the Psalm 91 resources were distributed. Whenever I go into the City I make a point to stop at the local Firehouse. The Psalm 91 Military edition is a great gift for the First Responders to read and aneEncouragement to them. I would definitely say that these men and women who protect us are aware of the importance and power in Prayer. The most asked request is that you will remember them or a loved one in your prayers."
To contact Scott: InterlockingArms@aol.com