Sunday, November 13, 2011

OS91 meets with COL McKnight and his wife, Linda

COL Danny McKnight and his wife, Linda,
with Mary and Ed Ganster
Operation Safety 91 National Spokesperson, COL Danny McKnight, US Army (Ret) of Black Hawk Down fame and his dear wife, Linda, met with Ed and Mary Ganster tonight after COL's tour of Afghanistan to visit our Troops. "KGZ-AFG Ranger Tour, Americans Honoring America's Heroes" brought Danny McKnight, Keni Thomas, Charlie Manis, Robi Powers, and Max Mullen right in to our active Military who are currently fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.

COL McKnight shared so many wonderful stories with us: stories of Divine Connections, talks with those who wanted to share their hearts in private, of those who needed encouragement and of those who so very much believe in what they are doing. COL McKnight is so humble, and so willing to help our Troops in any way he can. We believe Operation Safety 91 is truly blessed by God to have COL McKnight as our National Spokesperson!

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