Wednesday, February 9, 2011

OS91 making a difference at a Yellow Ribbon Event in San Antonio, TX

I wanted to send you my own thanks for the Psalms 91 books. This weekend was nothing short of a miracle.  The books you provided were personally placed in the hand of a soldier or family member, and many were accompanied by letting us pray for them as the Holy Spirit opened the flood gates and they broke in tears.  I can't put into words the look on their faces as they took this God breathed promise and prayer of protection and held it to their chest and thanked us.  It is a good thing that your organization is doing. Take heart and do not grow weary, you are shining God's light in one of the darkest corners of our world...that of war.  God shined His favor on us and the commanding officer who recieved his promotion to now overseeing three times the events around the country personally told us he is pulling us with him to attend them all. So we are going to be requesting many more books. LOL  Your organization is blessing our military,  thank you.

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