Friday, May 14, 2010

Ps 91 Protection of Firefighters in NY

Scott Pruiksma, Founder of Interlocking Arms
Member of Fellowship of Christian Firefighters International

I am diligently handing out the resources but would like to share this testimony with you. In April my son and I went bike riding together in NYC. After riding we decided to visit a firehouse and encourage the men. We brought some pizzas and some of the Psalm 91 resources. The men were thankful we spoke briefly then they were off on a run to a call. Two weeks ago there was a car bombing attempt in Times Square. My son was telling me that as he watched the news the company that we brought the resources too was the first company to arrive on the scene. We all know that the bomb did not detonate and the men were protected. Praise God!!!!  I went back to the house again last week and dropped off more resources and pizzas with a few friends. I shared with the guys Gods promise to protect us if we call out to Him. I shared that people were praying for them and their safety and that they are not forgotten and we are thankful for them. should have seen the smiles and the way that they wanted the Psalm 91 Gods Shield of Protection Resources. I am thankful to God for His promises and to you and the Foundation for making these resources available to those who are on the front lines. Keep looking up.
Your NJ friend,
Scott Pruiksma

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