Saturday, February 20, 2010

Scott Pruiksma, Founder and President of Interlocking Arms
Firefighter and member of FCFI
"The Psalm 91 Resourses have been a blessing and an avenue to further the Kingdom in a non -threatening way. I have been Blessed throughout the year to be able to attend many events throughout the New Jersey and at the Nation's Capitol. Some highlights were an all day Prayer event on the Whitehouse lawn called the Ellipse. A great day of fellowship and prayer for the Nation and its leaders. As a First Responder, I was able to pray Psalm 91 God's Shield of Protection for the Nation, for First Responders and for the Military. What an honor !!!! Afterwards I gave out all the Psalm 91 resources that I had brought with me. This years event will be on May 22 and I will be sure to bring more of the Psalm 91 Resources with me. Another event that I was honored to attend was at the United Nations at a Universal Peace Conference. I was acknowledged to speak and spoke on how we as Faith Leaders all need to work with each other and how everyone has something to contribute. As a firefighter I realize the importance of working together as a team, for the benefit of others. At this event there were many contacts made from all over the world and more of the Psalm 91 resources were distributed. Whenever I go into the City I make a point to stop at the local Firehouse. The Psalm 91 Military edition is a great gift for the First Responders to read and aneEncouragement to them. I would definitely say that these men and women who protect us are aware of the importance and power in Prayer. The most asked request is that you will remember them or a loved one in your prayers."
To contact Scott:

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