Prayer Breakfast During Soldier Readiness Processing Week
OS91 was blessed to be invited by Chaplain Brian Ray to the Orlando Armed Forces Reserve Center this morning for the 143rd ESC Prayer breakfast held for those Soldiers deploying to Kuwait and Afghanistan.
Chaplains present at Breakfast
OS91 was welcomed with open arms and hearts by those Chaplains and Soldiers who attended the breakfast. Many Psalm 91 cards and books were gratefully taken by the Soldiers for their personal use as well as for their families. There were several of higher rank who took packets of 25, 50, or 100 Psalm 91 cards to distribute to Soldiers under their command who would like them.
Soldiers taking Psalm 91 books and cards
What a joy to provide our Troops with the Divine Protection of Psalm 91! They were so grateful!
Chaplains with Psalm 91 cards
Our table, full of Psalm 91 resources, was permitted to be left set up in the Dining Hall, so those other Military who come in will be able to help themselves!
Chaplain Ray speaking to Soldiers
OS91 gives a heartfelt THANK YOU to Chaplain Ray for the invitation to this Prayer Breakfast. It was a dream come true! Be assured that you all are being prayed for daily by Operation Safety 91!